Tuesday, September 6, 2011

False Start? Who cares? Onwards and upwards we go....

Wow, I'm wiped out! Be careful of what you anticipate and dread because it could be worse than you thought! Two weeks ago, I was not looking forward to the start of the rat race but boy I had no idea what laid ahead! 

Last week my eldest went back to school, and as a result of a horrible group of girls and the poor management of her school, we decided to take her out and put her in what we hoped would be a better school. In 24 hours, she was withdrawn from one school, registered in another - new uniform, new books and a new start. Scary stuff! Would it be worth it? Would she adjust? How would we make her see it's for the best when deep down we were only 85% sure that it was for the best? Three school days on, and I can say it was worth it.  She is adjusting and it is definitely for the best. Looking back, it was meant to be. The new school only had one available place, with all her subject choices and, coincidentally, she is in the very same school her grandmother went to. Definitely worth the hassle, the money and the tears we all shed! 

Today, as I have the time to sit down and write this, I feel like a warrior Mum and that I am the mother I've always wanted to be.  The lesson I've learned and have taught my daughter is that there are horrible people and horrible situations that will walk in to your life, but you can always choose to walk away and put yourself in a better situation. It's about taking control of your life and choosing change despite human nature's urge to resist it.

It has been a dramatic week....imagine! Drama, and all this time I've been saying no to it! But do not get me wrong, that short burst of drama was the price paid to say NO to future drama. I have explained to my lovely 14 year old daughter that there will be horrible people in school, in work and every other area of her life. The point is, that negative people are rampant and, unfortunately for her, this is a lesson that she has to learn.

So my advice to her now that she can start again? First and foremost, be yourself when making new friends! When someone talks to you behind another person's back, you can be sure they will be talking behind your back too. When someone is befriending someone who you know they have viciously bitched about in the past...walk away as fast as you can and be sure that history will repeat itself. 

As for the people you leave behind? They may have had no interest when you're around but I guarantee they are itching to know everything about you now. They'll want to know how you're getting on, they will stalk you on-line (Oh, by the way, hi to all my online stalkers...I know you're out there!) and they will use any common social link they have to find out every detail of your new life and continue to be malicious when speaking of you. Sad sad little people....

This I know for sure, believe me! God bless those 39 years I have under my belt! Onwards and upwards my dear daughter and never ever look back at the rubbish you left behind!

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